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17 Old Hollywood Facts That Aren't Dark Or Sad, Just Incredibly Interesting

1. He took up the sport when he was in his 70s, and has a lifetime membership in the US National Skateboarding Society.

2. , too.

3. The dish originated in the United States after an Italian chef created it for his pregnant wife, and the acting couple later requested the recipe on their honeymoon in Italy.

4. A garden rose "Garland" bushes are planted outside her tomb.

5. He would play correspondence chess with soldiers overseas during World War II. He was asked to stop when the FBI intercepted a letter and mistakenly thought the chess notations were a secret code.

6. Every Christmas I'd ask her, 'Did she get any monogrammed presents she didn't want?' If she said yes, we'd exchange gifts right there.

7. She walked into the house directly from her garden, still wearing the clothes she had on while working in the garden.

8. The use of live ammunition after a very close call where a bullet deflected off of the steel window and hit the wall where his head had been.

9. gave her two rows of eyelashes

10. was born in 1922.

11. Bing Crosby's recording of 'White Christmas' needed to be re-made due to wear and tear on the original, as it was played so many times on records.

12. Billy Crystal.

13. After Jim Croce was impressed by his comedic improv skills.

14. They would share a single ticket for a NYC theater performance and trade seats at intermission, giving each other a rundown on the plot they missed.

15. The doctor believed that Frank was stillborn and went to attend to his mother. It wasn't until Frank's grandmother picked him up, took him to a sink to run cold water over him, and gave him a strong blow to his back that he began to breathe.

16. The cracks on his lips from playing the trumpet so much, which he would carefully remove himself with a razor blade.

17. The appearance of Professor X in the X-Men film series is reportedly inspired by Oscar-winning actor Yul Brynner.

Do you have any fun facts from the old days of Hollywood that you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments below!